Lodge Service are delighted with the recent announcement confirming that the UK Government are introducing new legislation that makes assaulting a shop worker a standalone criminal offence in England and Wales as part of a ‘Retail Crime Crackdown.’ Following the lead already taken by Scotland.
Regrettably, recent crime surveys conducted by both British Retail Consortium and the Charity Retail Association indicate a massive increase in shoplifting and customer abuse affecting all retail sectors, so it is vital for new legislation to be put in place to help tackle the growing increase of retail crime and related attacks on retail staff.
Lodge Service welcome the fact that tackling retail crime will be given greater priority to help ensure that those who assault shop staff face prosecution and appropriate sentencing. By ensuring offenders are prosecuted and taking targeted steps to prevent reoffending, this should help reduce the impact caused by relatively small groups of prolific repeat offenders who are behind more than half of all retail crime.
It is fundamental that our staff and volunteers feel safe and supported so that they can provide the essential services needed in helping to raise money for great causes which support so many people in need.
Lodge Service has provided dedicated security and safety support to the charity retail sector for over 25 years and are currently working with a number of our clients to upskill their retail teams on best practice ways of de-escalating conflict and dealing with potential shoplifters.
Please Contact Us to find out how we can help you combat customer abuse and the scourge of shoplifting in these challenging times.