About Lodge Service Technical:
Our clients are increasingly recognising the vital role technology plays in combatting theft and improving security and H&S in their business.
Our portfolio of solutions includes areas such as:
- The supply, installation and maintenance of CCTV systems, with remote monitoring as standard.
- Building alarms and physical security measures such as door and window shutters.
- Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), which is used by many retailers to detect items being removed from their shops.
- Support to H&S at Work, through the provision of comprehensive workplace Risk Assessments, fire alarms and associated services.
- Transpeye, our bespoke EPoS data mining software solution which links with existing systems to provide enhanced visibility of till transactions. Further information available on our brand-new website. www.transpeye.com
The recently launched ‘Lodge Service Technical’ division has quickly established itself as a major security solutions provider, providing support to a large number of clients including Superdry, Pirate, Compass Group and Pick ‘n Pay (South Africa).
Commented Karl Jordan, Technical Solutions Director:
“Working closely with other Lodge Group stakeholders, we provide an integrated security solution which is focused on meeting the needs of our clients, complementing existing services to provide a mix of people, hardware and software solutions”